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Playlist 19.03.2009 (FSK): Propagandhi
1 Anti-Manifesto
2 Ska Sucks
3 Hallie Sallasse, up your ass
4 I want you to want me
aus Propagandhi – Potemkin City Limits
(2005, G7 Welcoming Committee / Fat Wreck Chords)
5 Die Jugend marschiert
Propagandhi – Supporting Caste
(09.03.2009, Grand Hotel van Cleef)
6 Night matters
7 Supporting caste
8 Tertium non datur
9 Dear coach´s corner
10 This is your life
11 Human(e) meat (the flensing of Sandor Katz)
12 Potemkin city limits
13 Funeral procession
14 Without love
15 Incalculable effects
16 The banger´s embrace
17 Last will and testament
18 Come to the sabath [Hidden Track]
aus New Model Army – Fuck Texas, Sing for Us
(11/2008, Attack Attack)
19 Intro
20 225
21 Nothing dies easy
22 Island
23 Into the wind
24 Masterrace
aus Lombego Surfers – Full Tank of Tiki
(2001, Flight 13 Records)
25 Makes no difference
aus Lombego Surfers – Seven Pleasures
(2003, Flight 13 Records)
26 Mesquite
27 It´s a drag
aus Lombego Surfers – Pagan Thrills
(2007, Flight 13 Records)
28 Cheking out
aus ANA – Slowly Sinking Deeper
(9/2008, Rebel Recordings)
29 Strawberry battlefield forever
aus Mofa – Tiger
(9/2008, Hamburg Records)
30 Auf drei
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