1Talk Radio Talk - Clear Cold Reflection2Defiance - The Ones3Blood Command - The plague on…
Playlist 18.09.2008 (FSK) Die Ganze Platte
1 The Go Faster Nuns – Peppermint Petty
The Go Faster Nuns – In Traffic
(VÖ 26.09.2008, Hamburg Records)
2 Walk away from here
3 Find you
4 Hold me close
5 You look so good
6 Now that I know you
7 I said it all again
8 All around the world
9 Take another rainy day
10 Pretty girls in self destruction
11 In safer places
Rogue Steady Orchestra – Ein Drittel Angst, zwei Drittel Wut
(September 2008, Twisted Chords)
12 Rational befreite Zone
13 Die Kunst des Verlierens
14 Mackerpogodarwinismus
15 Revolte Tanzparkett [feat Chaoze One]
16 Dickes Nee
17 Trainstomping
18 Incomunicado
19 Europa lädt nach
20 Gasgeruch
21 Subvert Reggae Limits
22 This is Rogue Steady O!
23 Western Ska
aus Exits to Freeways (s.l.t.v.o.t.b.o.m.h.) – Spilling Drinks, Spelling Names
(VÖ 19.09.2008, Nois-O-Lution)
24 Narcissus as a fuckboy
25 Shoegazer Inc.
26 Pageant wipeout interlude
27 Bliss bluff
28 A list for actions
29 Tourette red (A monster in my language)
30 Desire_construction_disaster
31 No votes
32 Kurhaus – We´ve marked these red lines…
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