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Playlist 19.06.2014: Special: 6 x 6

1 Hysterese – Angst
No Problem – Already Dead
(22. April 2014, Taken by Surprise/ Deranged Records)
2 Different shades of grey
3 Boots
4 Help wanted
5 Your world
6 Already dead
7 After the crash
More Than Life – What’s left of me
(14. April 2014, Roar Records)
8 Weight of the world
9 You’re not alone
10 Threshold
11 Season change
12 Do you remember
13 Sometimes
Fucked Up – Glass Boys
(3. Juni 2014, Matador Records)
14 Sun glass
15 The art of patrons
16 Warm change
17 Paper the house
18 The great divide
Hysterese – Angst
(9. Juni 2014, Taken by Surprise/ Sabotage/ Deranged Records)
19 Dead lock
20 Nothing
21 Zero
22 Straight faces
23 Life ends
24 Useless
Willy Fog – Harlekin Geisterpfeiffenfisch
(4. April 2014, My Favourite Chords/ Lala Schallplatten/ I.Corrupt.Records)
25 Halsüberkopfsteinpflaster
26 Ojibwa
27 Stratic
28 Adieu Floyd
Blut Hirn Schranke – s/t
(Juli 2013, diy)
29 More than music
30 Wasted time
31 Tight song
32 Gone away
Blut Hirn Schranke – schein matt / hineingeträumt
(16. Juni 2014, diy)
33 schein/matt
34 hineingeträumt

Playlist 05.06.2014: Magazin

1 La Dispute – Stay happy there
2 Comadre – Storyteller
3 Anteater – Cocoon
4 Nervöus – ImPuls
5 Bazooka Zirkus – Nie so bitter sein
6 7 Seconds – Upgrate everything
7 7 Seconds – Still going wrong
8 The Distillers – Sing sing death house
9 BeateXOuzo – Alte Leier
10 Landmines – First chords
11 Guerilla Poubelle – Nulle part c’est chez moi
12 Todeskommando Atomsturm – Einbahnstraße
13 Tackleberry – Tragic sitcom
14 Fucked Up – Glass boys
15 Finisterre – No matter how hard
16 November 13th – Graustufen
17 Adjudgement – Ich allein
18 Man the Machetes – Makteløse
19 Trap Them – The facts
20 More than Life – You’re not alone
21 More than Life – Do you remember
22 Star Fucking Hipsters – Until we’re dead
23 The Gits – Slaughter of bruce
24 No Problem – Different shades of grey
25 Auxes – I can’t stand you any longer
26 Dackelblut – Kinder kriegen Kinder
27 Hass – Gnadenlos
28 Eleanor Lance – Mann im Wald
29 Suicide Machines – War profiteering is killing us all
30 Blut Hirn Schranke – More than music
31 Blut Hirn Schranke – Fight song
32 Only Crime – We are divided
33 Dean Dirg – Nothings right
34 Pascow – Zeit des Erwachens
35 Bangers – The woods
36 Front – Totschlagargumente
37 Dinosaur Jr. – Just like heaven

Playlist 15.05.2014: Magazin

1 Signal Lost – Lost causes
2 Mr. Burns – Halber Hahn
3 Infernöh – De galna och de blinda
4 Revenge – You’re a fool
5 White Lung – Blow it south
6 Hysterese – Angst
7 Autistic Youth – Out of my head
8 Mary’s Kids – Never again
9 Red Dons – Dead ender
10 Fjørt – D’accord
11 KMPFSPRT (feat. Felix) – Musikdienstverweigerer
12 Loxiran – Nur zusammen
13 Schwach – Schwach
14 Kurhaus – New sun rising
15 NeinNeinNein – Macho scheiße
16 Unkind – Pelon juuret
17 Knuste Ruter – Forsvinningsnummeret
18 The Fight – Second life
19 Toxoplasma – Der Teufel verdirbt die Jugend
20 Leistungsgruppe Maulich – Flaschenpost
21 Fahnenflucht – Augen auf
22 Hass – Mit wehenden Fahnen
23 Hass – Gnadenlos
24 Mühlheim Asozial – Bier gegen Bullen & Deutschland
25 Jeunesse Apatride – Coeur de la ville
26 Rejected Youth – NYC tonight
27 Obstruisive – Not my way
28 No Sensation – Pill popper
29 No Problem – Talking to myself
30 No Problem – Waiting for the bomb
31 ИO///sé – Sick about it
32 The Julie Ruins – Oh come on
33 Sleaford Mods – Tied up in Nottz
34 EA80 – Tunnel
35 EA80 – Definitiv: Nein
36 EA80 – Manchmal
37 Walter Elf – Partyzeit

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