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Playlist 15.08.2013: Special: 6 x 6

1 Se Sichelzecken – Hohn, Scheine, Sterben
Rvivr – The Beauty Between
(Mai 2013, Rumbletown Records/ Yo-Yo-Records)
2 Wrong way/ one way
3 Big lie
4 Paper thin
5 Rainspell
6 Spider song
MNMNTS – The Choir Belongs to You
(Februar 2013, Adagio 380)
8 You’re no good on a job like this
9 We began well
10 The end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart
Eleanor Lance – II
(2012, self)
11 Schneeleopardin
12 Blubb Blubb
13 Januar
14 Selbstportrait
15 Dr. Manhattan
16 Brenn, Monaco, brenn!
Terrible Feeling – Backwoods
(August 2013, Sabotage Records/ Erste Theke Tonträger)
17 I don’t even know you
18 Word travels fast
19 Black winter night
Jungbluth – Part Ache
(Februar 2013, Vendetta)
20 Wakeflied
21 Looks like freedom
22 These rare moments
23 Au revoir tristesse
24 No one but myself
25 Angebot/ Nachsage
26 Crevasse II
Inner Conflict – Schere Klebstoff Papier
(Juni 2013, self)
27 Auf zwei Rädern
28 Dein Hund
29 Diplomat
30 Ende/ Aus
31 Heimatfront
32 Müde Augen

33 Notgemeinschaft Peter Pan – Wäre ich früher geboren wäre
ich eher dabei gewesen (bin ich aber nunmal nicht)
34 Loser Youth – Noch 2cl bis Babylon

Playlist 01.08.2013

1 Conmoto – Golden dawn
2 Black Flag – Rise above
3 Black Flag – Sixpack
4 Kommando Sonne-nmilch – Brems ab das Karussell
5 Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine – Werewolves of Wall Street
6 Guerilla Poubelle – Si jamais
7 Los Muertos de Cristo – Por quien doblan las campanas
8 Maîtresse – Enter sandman
9 Willy Fog – Lupus
10 Man the Machetes – Magenplask
11 Vicious Irene – Construction of lies
12 Lawine – Dreams asleep
13 Antillectual – Mother inferior
14 Inner Conflict – Diplomat
15 Inner Conflict – Auf zwei Rädern
16 Pascow – Spraypaint the walls
17 Doom Town
18 Revenge – You’re a fool
19 The Facials – Garglin‘ on the glory of the lord
20 Nervöus – Schere, Stein, Konfetti
21 Eleanor Lance – Mann im Wald
22 Eleanor Lance – Januar
23 Motormuschi – Fischauge
24 Knuste Ruter – Ikke tvil
25 Sick Of It All – Falling apart
26 Jungbluth – Looks like freedom
27 Jungbluth – These rare monents
28 Jealous Cowards – Fuck off!
29 Leftover Crack – Gang control
30 Birds in Row – Pilori
31 Mary’s Kids – Die little naziboy, goodbye
32 Angry Jerks – Never die
33 Youth Avoiders – Run
34 WIZO – Quadrat im Kreis

Playlist 18.07.2013 Special: Siebenmal Juli

1 The Savants – Sommer, Sonne, Dosenbier
2 Infernal Noise Briagade – Bloco fogo
3 Outbreak – Part of the machine
4 Yakuza – Cancer of industry
5 The Very Job Agency – Renn, Idiot, renn!
6 The Very Job Agency – Zuckergebäck
7 The Soviettes – Multiply and divide
8 H2O – Cops theme
9 Kollateralschaden – Ausweg
10 Trio – Ja, ja, wo geht’s lank Peter Pank schönen Dank
11 Suicidal Tendencies – Subliminal
12 Suicidal Tendencies – Ain’t gonna take it
13 Suicidal Tendencies – Shake it out
14 RIFU – The plague we’ve become
15 Koyaanisqatsi – Klippen
16 The Go Faster Nuns – Walk away from here
17 Bitume – Es regnet Scheiße
18 NOFX – Beerbong
19 Nein Nein Nein – Machoscheiße
20 Fuzzbeer – Hollow
21 Assassinators – Dilemma
22 Paint it Black – Greetings, fellow insomniacs
23 Team Dresch – Fegetarian dyke
24 What We Feel – Parny
25 Raised Fist – Friends and traitors
26 Time Trap – Good night (time pride)
27 Antitainment – Autonom
28 Antitainment – You’d never drown in a river of tears cause your eyeliner isn’t waterproof
29 Star Fucking Hipsters – Two cups of tea
30 Grand Griffon – Banlieu
31 Oiro – Blut und Schleim
32 Steve from England – End of truce
33 Nervöus – Phänomen
34 Sodium – One last breath

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